Friday, January 05, 2007

Nakedly Honest

I've been away. Not physically, but living. It would be very egotistical of me to assume that this would make such a huge impact on anyones life, but Blogging is really more for the blogger, not entirely for anyone reading it, although some beautiful encouragements and personal growth can come from some one else's point of view.

I've been spending a little extra time with some old friends. Have you ever reread a book that was one of your favorites when you were a kid that you haven't read in say, 15 years? I don't really read much, I tend to stick to the stuff I know, really only expanding in reading other's poetry. I picked up a book the other day from my shelf called
I Wish There Were Unicorns by Karleen Bradford. I loved that book. Actually it was the title that got my attention at such a tender age, yes I'll admit, I love unicorns. Always have, and I'm not apologetic for it. The book has nothing to do with unicorns, but a good book anyway. Or how about Birth of the FireBringer by Meredith Ann Pierce. And then there was this one I read from the Linden Library about twins that wound up in San Fransisco and involved in some kidnapped problem. I wish I could remember the name of that book, I'd like to read it again. I remember the cover and they were wearing matching red and white striped shirts (and no it isn't Sweet Valley High). Anyone know what book that is?

But I rabbit trail. I've been spending time C.S. Lewis too and decided to search for his poems. Some have said they are very dry, and maybe some of them might be (haven't read them all yet) but I read this one and simply, I enjoyed the sheer honesty of this one, I can relate. And if we were all truly and nakedly honest, we were all see no one is exempt.

I will only leave the site to find it, so if you are really interested, this is where it is. I recommend reading it.