Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Monster Above My Head

Aren't you proud of me? 2 in one night!

I've rounded up a 'conclusion' to the night terrors and I have my cat to thank for it, well, she was the tool anyway. I was having a bath one night (yes, despite popular rumors, I bathe) and I was praying about this problem when I realized something my cat was doing. Had been doing for a long time.

Before I go any further with this story, I need to explain that I very strongly believe there is stuff going on around us all the time between God, Satan, our souls, you know...Kind of like when C. S. Lewis called this the Shadowlands. (Good ol Jack was smarter than most realize) and who knows what's really going on? Maybe it's my imagination, or something but I think this stuff is going on around us, unseen.

So to continue - in bath, praying, cat - when I realized she was staring above my head, she'd been doing this for a couple months already and I never took notice, or at least never made the connection. Something inside me clicked and I thought, what have I got to lose? I won't tell you what prayer transpired, that's an intimate conversation between me and Jesus, but I will tell you that He answered my prayers and my cat looks at me now, not above my head. And I've been waiting to write this, I don't know, part from Doubting Thomas point of view and part from, how do I write this.

This prayer was a turning point to a deeper level of friendship with Jesus, one of those happenings that secure your faith a little bit more, and for that reason alone I am thankful for the whole terrifying experience. And I thank everyone for their comments, they were helpful and in my case, everyone was right. I say this because I didn't fix it, but I didn't give up. Two very important lessons. I do not by any means base my faith and decisions I make on the belief that there's more going on, but I think there's a balance with this unseen atmosphere.