Saturday, June 24, 2006

Romantic Tick

Where have I been? No where really. My hard drive burnt and I guess I've just been trying to recover as much as possible. I saved a lot of stuff though. Frankly it's because Murphy is my roommate and I've grown accustomed to picking up the slack where he gets involved. He can pretty mean sometimes!
I guess I've also been dreaming a lot. I'll share a secret with you, rarely in life do I not have a crush on someone. My first crush was when I was 4 years old and I wanted to marry him. Ironically, I sat with him and his wife at their child's play last night. I kissed my first boy in Grade 2 but only because my best friend said she would if I did on a dare. And he was really cute so think about it! Also ironically, he comes to church sometimes with his wife and children. So I think that if I have ever had a crush on you, you will be married soon! haha.
And like everything else that effects me strongly, I wrote a poem about liking someone and then not because it's stupid and will never work out, and o.k. but I'm a romantic so I'll jump right in and wait! maybe not....and such is life. This is how it seems to go on a regular basis. I have included my poem in the Churches 3rd volume of our Potluck called The Resetting of the Dawn. (the poem, not the Potluck). And yes, I have two crushed right now, and I'm sure nothing will come of either of them. But I can still dream...
And so on the sideways topic of being single, I took on the small event of planning a Singles Potluck (food this time). I guess I was just looking around at church and thought there sure was a lot of single people here and I've ranted before about how single people are always made out ot be useless if they aren't at least dating. I very strongly disagree with that. I was in a dark depression some years back and I have to say, other people's pressure about that was strong enough to make me consider suicide. I have since realized that it was all crock and I am so blessed to be single at this time in my life. What an amazing journey to be on. And I think these people either don't realize they are doing it, or they are just jealous that they are missing out on it.
Now you could say I'm only trying to make my situation easier by deluding myself, but that's not true either. Why would I settle for anyone less than who God has picked out for me. SO I say we celebrate being single, get to know each other in the community who are so we can support each other. People can put on a really good face, even though they are dying inside and I hope that they can be helped by each of us just loving and accepting where each of us is in our lives.